Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Free Tech 4 Teachers Suggestions for New Year

Great list. Not many new sites for me personally, but good reminders, and updates on how the sites have developed and matured.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friedrich I - König von Preussen

Friedrich I - König von Preussen

A.  Seiten 1-3  (including title page)

1.    sich freuen - to be happy
2.  die Kurfürstenfamilie - the royal familie
3.  Niemand ahnt... - No one guesses, has a clue
4.  der Erstgeborene -
5.  kein Anrecht auf die Nachfolge seines Vaters - no right to the inheritance of his father
6.  das Schicksal - fate
7.  das Unglück - misfortune
8.  das Leid - suffering
9.  begleiten - to accompany
10.  Er schafft es trotzdem - He manages despite all that.
11.  das Königreich - kingdom
(Seite 2)
12.  die Fanfaren - die Trompetensignale, trumpet sounds
13.  die Fahnen hissen - die Fahnen aufhängen, to hang flags
14.  der Kurfürst - the ruler/king
15.  umsorgen - behüten, betreuen, to care for, watch over
16.  der Bursche - guy, boy
(Seite 3)
In your text: Identify the word which *doesn't fit*

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Posters with Excel -- Awesome

Staples, Inc.Image via Wikipedia

My colleague and I have discussed the idea of creating learning objects/posters throughout the year. Naturally, the monetary issue came to the fore -- modest-sized posters of 11X17 will run you about 3 or 4 bucks at Staples or Kinkos, and times that by 10 or 20 and... well, it adds up. I didn't think too much about the price, I figured it was an investment in my own sanity if these posters supported learning and gave that quentchen more independence and confidence to the students as they learn.

I didn't reckon with the time. Lack. Of. It. So my happening upon this awesome how-to video is a happy happenstance, serendipitous to the utmost. I shall try this out at home and at school, where I will "only" have to reckon with the wardens of colored-ink-cost. With my 25$ color cartridges draining apace, I may plead my case to the governor....

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter follow up -- Was machst du in den Ferien? ...

Communicative Activity        30 pts (total)                                    Name ___________________________
      --Quality of participation  (10)
       --Completion of chart/participation (10)
       --Follow up pair oral with instructor (10)

1)  Set-Up Activity with Herr G.      2) Person-Reply ("Du"-Column)   3) Interview New Partner -- record below
4) Interview 2 more classmates -- record in last 2 columns  5) Come up to Herr G with new partners for speaking grade

Herr Graff (written out
for examples/models)
Du (Write out your answer):
Neuer Partner    
#2 Mitschüler(in)
#3 Mitschülerin
Was spielst du in den Ferien?
Was spielt er/sie...?
Er spielt alte Nintendo-
Spiele mit seinem Bruder.
Ich spiele...

Magst du grosse
Flachbild-Fernseher1            ?
Mag er/sie...?
Ja, er mag grosse

Putzt du die Toilette2         ?
Putzt er/sie die Toilette?
Ja, er putzt die Toilette.

Räumst du dein Schlafzimmer auf?3          
Räumt er/sie sein/ihr Schlafzimmer auf?
Nein, er räumt sein
Zimmer nicht auf.

Personal Choice: Ask each
partner "Was machst du in den Ferien?" and record their answer.
Er geht gern ins Kino und
schaut coole Filme wie
Dragonball Evolution!!

  1. Do you like big flat-screen TVs?
  2. Do you clean the toilet?
  3. Do you clean up your room?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Podcasting April09

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: